Source code for poultry.consumers

from __future__ import print_function

import gzip
import logging
import sys
import time
import json

    from Queue import Full
except ImportError:
    from queue import Full

from collections import OrderedDict, Counter
from contextlib import contextmanager
from itertools import chain
from pprint import pprint as _pprint

from poultry.tweet import Tweet, TweetValueError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def consumer(func): """A decorator function that takes care of starting a coroutine automatically on call. See for more details. """ def start(*args, **kwargs): cr = func(*args, **kwargs) next(cr) return cr return start
@consumer def nop(*args, **kwargs): item = None while True: item = yield item @consumer def show(output=None, template=u'{t}\n'): """Print tweet text and meta information.""" if output is None: output=sys.stdout while True: try: print(template.format(t=(yield)), file=output) except KeyError: pass @consumer def print_(output=None, template=u'{}\n'): """Print stripped items.""" if output is None: output = sys.stdout while True: item = yield print(template.format((item).strip('\n')), file=output) @consumer def pprint(): """Pretty print tweet's json object.""" while True: tweet = (yield) _pprint(tweet.parsed) @consumer def print_text(output=None): """Print only tweet's text.""" if output is None: output = sys.stdout while True: tweet = yield print(tweet.text.replace(u'\n', u' '), file=output) @consumer def counter_printer(output=None): if output is None: output = sys.stdout while True: counter = yield for key, value in sorted(counter.items()): output.write('{} {}\n'.format(key, value)) @consumer def to_tweet(target): """Convert the input items to tweets.""" result = None with closing(target): while True: item = yield result try: tweet = Tweet(item) except TweetValueError: result = SendNext else: result = target.send(tweet) @consumer def group( file_name_template='%Y-%m-%d-%H.gz', max_open_files=1, mode='a', ): """Group tweets to files by date according to the file_name_template.""" files = OrderedDict() try: while True: tweet = yield created_at = tweet.created_at.strftime(file_name_template) try: f = files[created_at] except KeyError: print(created_at) if len(files) > max_open_files: files = OrderedDict(sorted(files.items())) _, first = files.popitem(last=False) first.close() f =, '{}t'.format(mode)) files[created_at] = f f.write("{t}\n".format(t=tweet.raw)) finally: for f in files.values(): f.close() @consumer def filter(streams, dustbin=None, send_to_all=True): """Filter items to flows by filtering predicates. :param streams: sequence of `(target, predicate)` pairs. :param send_to_all: if set to `False` then in case an item satisfies several predicates it will be sent to only one. `predicate` is a function: current, first --> Bool """ def update_all_targets(): all_targets = [t for t, _ in streams] if dustbin is not None: all_targets.append(dustbin) return all_targets all_targets = update_all_targets() with closing(mutable_targets=all_targets): current = first = yield while True: sent = False for target, predicate in streams: if predicate(current, first): target.send(current) sent = True if not send_to_all: break if dustbin is not None and not sent: dustbin.send(current) current = yield all_targets = update_all_targets() @consumer def uniq(target, seen_ids=None): """Omit repeated tweets.""" seen_ids = set(seen_ids) if seen_ids is not None else set() with closing(target): while True: tweet = yield id_ = if id_ not in seen_ids: seen_ids.add(id_) target.send(tweet) @consumer def split(*targets): """Send the input items to each target.""" with closing(*targets): while True: item = yield for target in targets: target.send(item) @consumer def to_simple_queue(queue): """Put items to a simple queue.""" while True: item = yield size = queue.qsize() if size > 10: logger.warn('Queue size is %s.', size) try: queue.put(item, timeout=1) except Full: break @consumer def count(*counters, **kwargs): """Universal element counter. :param counters: counters to update. :param target: an optional target to which the cached local counts are sent per each batch. :param provider: a function which provides elements that have to be counted given an input item. """ provider = kwargs.get('provider', None) target = kwargs.get('target', None) targets = [target] if target else [] if provider is None: provider = lambda x: [x] if not counters: counters = Counter(), with closing(*targets): while True: with lazy_counter(*counters, target=target) as c: while True: item = yield c.update(provider(item))
[docs]def count_tokens(*counters, **kwargs): """Count tokens in a tweet.""" if kwargs.pop('distinguish_hashtags', True): kwargs['provider'] = lambda tweet: chain(tweet.tokens, (u'#{}'.format(h) for h in tweet.hashtags), ) else: kwargs['provider'] = lambda tweet: chain(tweet.tokens, tweet.hashtags) return count(*counters, **kwargs)
[docs]def timeline(*counters, **kwargs): """Count tweet's creation time.""" window = kwargs.pop('window', '%Y-%m-%d-%H') kwargs['provider'] = lambda tweet: [tweet.created_at.strftime(window)] return count(*counters, **kwargs)
@consumer def batch(target, flow_name=None, splitter=None): """Batch a stream of tweets to chunks defined by `splitter`. :param target: a coroutine tweets are sent to. :param flow_name: an optional flow name, which is used mainly for logging. :param splitter: a function which decides whether a new batch has started. :type splitter: (datetime, Tweet) --> bool """ batch_size = 0 if splitter is None: def splitter(current, first): return current != first with closing(target): current = first = yield while True: batch_size += 1 if splitter(current, first): logger.debug('Sending a batch of %s items. (%s) ' 'first: %s current: %s', batch_size, flow_name, first, current) target.throw(BatchEndException(current, batch_size)) batch_size = 0 first = current result = target.send(current) current = yield result
[docs]@contextmanager def lazy_counter(*counters, **kwargs): """Delay the update of the counter.""" target = kwargs.get('target') local_counter = Counter() try: yield local_counter except BatchEndException: pass finally: if target: target.send(local_counter) for counter in counters: counter.update(local_counter)
@consumer def delay(target, speedup=100.0, max_delay=2): last = None with closing(target): while True: tweet = yield if speedup and last is not None and last < tweet.created_at: delay = tweet.created_at - last delay = delay.total_seconds() / speedup delay = min([delay, max_delay]) time.sleep(delay) last = tweet.created_at target.send(tweet.raw) @consumer def mutate(target, mutator=None): if mutator is None: def mutator(current, first): return current result = None with closing(target): first = current = yield result while True: result = target.send(mutator(current, first)) current = yield result
[docs]@contextmanager def closing(*targets, **kwargs): """Throw exceptions to targets and close targets on exit.""" mutable_targets = kwargs.get('mutable_targets', []) try: yield finally: for target in chain(targets, mutable_targets): target.close()
class PropogatedException(Exception): """"""
[docs]class BatchEndException(PropogatedException): """ Is thrown by batch() to the target generator on the end of the current batch. """ def __init__(self, last_item, batch_size): self.last_item = last_item self.batch_size = batch_size
[docs]class SendNext(object): """ Returned a consumer if the sent value is ignored, and the next value should be sent immediately. """
@consumer def extract_retweets(target): """Extract retweets. Note that it doesn't keep track of duplicates and the order. """ while True: raw_tweet = yield tweet = Tweet(raw_tweet) retweeted_status = tweet.parsed.get('retweeted_status', None) if retweeted_status: target.send(retweeted_status) target.send(raw_tweet)